If you’ve made it this far, this is where my goal is to offer an inside view into career paths that perhaps you’ve always dreamed of (or simply been curious about). And, as quiet as it’s kept, I hope to talk about the things that they don’t teach you in school (like, you have to have people advocating for you if you want to advance in your career). Consider this territory the things I wish I had known once upon a time (and the insights and hard lessons that I and those in my tribe have learned along the way).
Dream Gig Series
Take a minute, if you will, and think about that dream job that you've always thought was unattainable due to experience (or lack of), locale (not living in the right place), connections or unlevel playing field (the old adage: it's about who you know), age (feeling like you’re too young or too old), or simply fear of the unknown (a.k.a. not knowing where to start). Do you want to know how he/she got that job? Come back often and maybe you'll be inspired by a profile or two or three. Sometimes inspiration comes in the most unexpected places—like Spanx. More on that in a future post.
“When you know better, you do better.”
*All interviews are edited for context, space and clarity.