I recently saw this quote and thought how simple yet powerful the message was. Sometimes it feels like we're behind on where we thought we'd be by a certain age, or what we hoped to have accomplished--both personally and professionally.

A gentle reminder that self-imposed deadlines on our dreams and visions for our lives can cause unnecessary stress and worry. On a good day, when my clarity is undeniable, I am 100% certain that my steps have been ordered in the way that God designed for Ayanna's life. Each experience and interaction with others is meant to teach me something...for my greater good...to prepare me for the place or thing or person who needs the best version of me for that moment.

If you are currently in a space of doubt and frustration and being extra hard on yourself for what has not yet materialized in your life, try working on shifting your mindset daily (and acknowledging how far you've come). When that thing (whatever it is for you) finally happens, you'll look back and connect the dots—realizing that your steps, too, were ordained.